BATHROOM TRASH CAN IDEAS – What’s the use of a stylish bathroom but it looks dirty? Keeping a bathroom healthy is more important than decorating it. Placing one or some trash cans is a simple idea to produce a hygiene bathroom.
You can use a bathroom trash can for throwing used tissues to body soap wraps. We collect 10 bathroom trash can models for motivating you staying healthy. Stylish bathroom trash cans can decorate the bathroom even more.
Familiar Bathroom Trash Can

You may need more than one bathroom trash can for large bathroom like this. Our first bathroom is for a dormitory. A number of dorm occupants will use the bathroom that results in plenty of waste.
The bathroom trash can looks familiar for most of us. Each of the trash cans look fair with a simple design. The cans seem metallic that adjust with the pendant lamps. The two produce a bit of industrial bathroom style.
The trash cans are put below the sink basins which invite the residents to throw used tissues right after they wash their hands.
Wooden Bathroom Trash Can

A large, wooden bathroom trash can supports for the bathroom model. If you apply a classic bathroom style, the trash can add the old look. The trash can look natural with the wooden element.
Given the size, the trash can is up for taking up plenty of waste. We recommend you to check the amount of waste in the trash can. This helps you prevent any flies or ants coming to the trash can.
Clean the trash can on a regular basis. Cover it up with plastic for making it easier taking the waste to a public trash can.
Modern Bathroom Trash Can

We often find the bathroom trash can in public spaces and offices. Simple and light, the bathroom trash can is fit for modern buildings. For example, the bathroom trash can corresponds with the whole look.
The bathroom looks dramatic in a steampunk bathroom style. The metallic flavour that comes from the bathroom trash can adds the glowing tone. The bathroom trash can is put below the sink basins.
The bathroom trash can has the cover from preventing any bad smells spreading into the whole area.
Nice Bathroom Trash Can

For children bathroom, sometimes you are required to decorate the area with cute petty things. That can include bathroom trash can like this. Given the mermaid bathroom theme, the bathroom trash can has the quotes and the picture.
By design, the bathroom trash can looks modest with the open design. We believe the bathroom trash can is light so that your small kids can carry it to another room. The decorations enliven the bathroom trash can.
We salute how the bathroom invites their kids through the small item as the trash can looks.
Lovely Bathroom Trash Can

For this bathroom, simple things can help in decorating the area. The bathroom does that with the bathroom trash can. As the second example of the article, the bathroom trash can chooses wood.
But the bathroom trash can repaints the wood with white. It covers the trash can to keep possible bad smells in check. Unless you open it, you won’t smell it. The bathroom trash can look lovely with the bluish fabric with the knob.
The bathroom trash can thus looks sweet and becomes another pretty thing in the bright bathroom.
Unique Bathroom Trash Can

Wood is such a flexible natural material that can take in various forms. The bathroom trash can, for instance, seems unique with the jar-like design. The cover looks even odder.
The bathroom model tells us to choose the unique bathroom trash can to “bend” the minimalist bathroom appearance. With the trash can, the bathroom doesn’t feel too firm or plain.
Unlike the previous examples, the bathroom trash can is put next to the toilet. That means it can take up various items, not just used tissues.
Elegant Bathroom Trash Can

For a large bathroom, a large bathroom trash can is more recommended. Just bear in your mind to check the amount of trash in the waste can frequently. The bathroom looks admirable as it selects a bathroom trash can that supports the bathroom style.
The bathroom trash can is covered with the patterned, blue motif fabrics. The bluish factor stems from the nautical design that wraps the whole bathroom. The bathroom trash can contains the hanger for making you easier carrying it.
Given the super large size, the bathroom trash can is up for keeping big number of waste.
Cute Bathroom Trash Can

The bathroom trash can looks similar to the trash can model that is used in the third point. This time around, the bathroom trash can seems a bit smaller and looks white. The small trash can size makes it look adorable.
The trash can fits for the bathroom style that looks cute and girly. The white trash can look stems from the curtain colour.
Pretty Bathroom Trash Can

Besides decoration, you can choose bathroom trash can in certain colours. The example chooses pink bathroom trash can in striking mode. You can repaint the bathroom trash can, too.
The colour choice supports the colourful bathroom. Pink is among the colours that are applied here. The bold shade of pink produces an instant, bold and cheerful mode for the bathroom.
Your kids would really love being here to learn about bathroom etiquette and other lessons.
Slim Bathroom Trash Can

The last of our 10 bathroom trash can ideas suggest for slim trash can model for a narrow bathroom space. The trash can choice really helps optimizing the space. The trash can looks modern as the other trash cans appear.
The bathroom trash can is put between the sink area and the closet. The positioning of the bathroom trash can makes you easier to just put the waste inside. The bathroom trash can has no cover so ensure you only put non-bad smell items.
Otherwise, check the amount of waste then throw it to the public waste can.