GOTHIC BEDROOM IDEAS – The term “Gothic” applies to bedroom models besides literature. Whenever we hear of the word, our mind quickly catches a broad definition of a bedroom that looks dark and mysterious.
The Gothic bedroom looks more than a mere dark area. It puts into practice other sub-styles that later create the bedroom style looking stylish on its own. We collect 10 Gothic bedroom concepts for detailing the idea.
Stunning Gothic Bedroom

When firstly emerged decades ago, Gothic represented darkness and mystery. Since then, the perception has largely been existing. But that doesn’t mean the Gothic bedroom model is all about old furniture and dark colors only.
Our first example seems fresh and renewed. You can grab that sense from the bedstead, the ceiling and the black, brick wallpaper as the backdrop wall. The bedroom selects modified chandelier lighting and the modern vintage desk for old tone.
One of the bedroom wall section is painted in harsh black. The bedroom thus looks stunning and modern. No scary atmosphere at all.
Unbelievable Gothic Bedroom

Glittering and sparkling. This portrays the Gothic bedroom model in modern design. This looks much more complicated and crowded than the first. We can thus understand that the Gothic bedroom is open for modification.
The bedroom remains committed to applying black as the leading color. Glowing and glossy materials fulfill the bedroom, as seen in the bed fabrics and the rounded chair. We can’t deny the lighting looks vibrant and beautiful.
The bedroom is fulfilled with decorations. This can be your sample when looking for a Gothic bedroom style that looks cheerful.
Queen-Like Gothic Bedroom

Here comes one of our primary Gothic bedroom styles. We call this so because this example practices what Gothic bedroom model at the initial appearance. Specifically, this bedroom looks queen-like with bedstead style.
We invite you to look at the “bedstead roof” that actually consists of the purple fabrics that surround the bedstead in that manner. Very gentle and sweet. This reminds us of the style that appears in the Victorian bedroom.
The bedroom takes up lavish and classic furniture. The Gothic tone comes from the bold shade of color usage, such as purple, red and brown.
Modern Gothic Bedroom

Practice this bedroom model when you wish for producing a Gothic bedroom at an affordable price. At the same time, you don’t want the bedroom feeling gloomy and melancholic.
The bedroom seems simple and safe. Choose traditional bedstead along with classic furniture like wooden desks. They suffice for vintage and dark tones. For Gothic ambiance, hang mysterious pictures, such as skull and ancient tribes as seen here.
Choose grey as the bedroom wall painting when you think black is bleak. With the selections, the bedroom feels quiet and classic.
Graceful Gothic Bedroom

Another evidence to show that Gothic bedroom is up for modification. The bedroom feels elegant with selected furniture and decoration. The bedroom applies black as the theme color for the backdrop wall.
When working with the patterned motif, the backdrop looks beautiful. Sometimes, applying full black for the walling and flooring suffice for strong Gothic flavor. The bedroom selects modern and classic furniture.
The chandelier lighting makes the bedroom looking more chic and graceful. The seating set in front of the bedroom for making the space as extra spot for chit-chatting.
Beautiful Gothic Bedroom

Besides black, you can choose a brown and bold shade of purple as the bedroom suggests. The example proves that the Gothic bedroom model can be looking beautiful and colorful.
Of course, a colorful Gothic bedroom doesn’t involve many bright colors. Injecting one or two bright colors suffice for making it a cheerful one. This bedroom utilizes classic furnishings that make it luxurious.
The bedroom applies gentle and iconic crafting that turns the bedroom looking classy. The furniture selection also makes the bedroom so authentic in the vintage concept.
Old Gothic Bedroom

Yes, Gothic bedroom strongly ties to vintage interior design. Here’s another way to produce a Gothic bedroom that looks classic but not expensive as seen in the previous examples. Use reclaimed materials!
The bedroom recycles the antique wardrobe. It looks bright and classic. The bedroom gets painted in the bold shade of brown that can bring in Gothic tone. The bedroom has “the roof” that actually reuses soft fabrics.
They suffice for the old Gothic flavor. The bedroom looks comfortable with the cushy bedstead and bed cover.
Impressive Gothic Bedroom

A Gothic mode in modern vintage design. Once again, black wraps the bedroom from the bedstead to the curtains. The bedroom wallpaper looks beautiful with a floral pattern. The bedroom chooses vintage furniture.
The baby’s place looks pretty and adorable. The fireplace is completed with the drawing of an old lady. This practices vintage bedroom style. The black fabrics on top of the bedstead bring in Gothic ambiance, too.
The bedroom in overall looks dark but impressive and comfortable for getting relaxed.
Victorian Gothic Bedroom

Victorian Gothic bedroom began flourishing in the 18th century in the United Kingdom. This particular style blends classic and beautiful elements that result in iconic appearance like this example reveals.
For sure, the bedroom chooses classic furniture as seen in the bed style, the sofa and the simple desk beside the bedstead. What looks very Victorian lies in the bedstead “roof” that utilizes the thick, red fabrics arranged in that manner.
The picture of an aristocrat seems old. The bedroom seems serene and a bit dark that looks Gothic.
Minimalist and Classic Gothic Bedroom

The last example is interesting to study. By appearance, the bedroom looks classic as it has a high ceiling. The Gothic tone appears from the use of the black for the flooring and the bedstead.
The vertical windows practice what classic bedroom does. We put the label “minimalist” into this bedroom given the small number of furnishings. The bed cover also seems modern. They all contribute to making the bedroom roomy and relieving.