Each part of your house opens as a focal point. The indoor and outdoor segments of the house lay out a canvas for visualizing your creativity.
This time around, we invite you experimenting with deck railing. The element has been around for keeping safety and adding values to outdoor space.
Let’s dig deeper into the subject.
What Is A Deck Railing?
A deck railing refers to the fence that keeps people from falling off stairs, balconies or decks. The element conveys an important function.
Whether or not you have small kids, a deck railing prevents from people falling off the stairs of the house porch.
You can create a deck railing for your front part or backyard. Throughout decades, deck railing has evolved.
No longer deck railing has the sole function. Rapidly growing interior design comes up with endless designs of deck railing that correspond to the latest design and material.
No wonder that deck railing now holds status as outdoor space decoration. Each house owner can customize a deck railing model that depends on their preference.
Despite so, you can’t simply add a deck railing into your existing porch or backyard. Some criterions must be met for ensuring a deck railing performs the best.
Deck Railing Prerequisites
Building Code
Before anything else, you need to understand the building code. The regulation details standards that must be met for buildings in terms of safety and health.
Ensure that your house fulfills the building code requirement before proceeding to make a deck railing.
Building code differs amongst national, state, county and municipal levels. You will need a guard rail should your area applies the International Building Code.
The Code requires a guard rail if there is a difference of 30” or more between platforms. The railing must have no space bigger than that through which a 4” sphere could pass.
In addition, the railing must be able to take up a load of 50 pounds per square foot.
Design Compatibility
Two scenarios must be addressed here. We suggest you include deck railing setup into your house layout to avoid any stresses that emerge regarding design suitability.
The suggestion is invalid should you intend to create a super unusual design that separates deck railing with the entire house.
For instance, you make tempered glass deck railing for your classic house. They contrast to each other but won’t matter a lot should you desire so.
The whole design match will make the entire house seamlessly harmonious. You won’t find any extra works to mix and match deck railing materials with those of the house.
What if I find it a bit too late on deck railing information? What about adding the element to the existing house? Don’t worry about the condition.
You can still obtain a remarkable deck railing look that corresponds with the house design. You can even make the deck railing as your DIY project.
For the scheme, you need to explore deck railing styles that may suit the house design best. You can hire an interior designer or builder for the deck railing job.
Or you can explore new ideas then execute them for the aspect. For example, you can choose an aluminum deck railing for your modern house.
Space Concern
A good deck railing design won’t be of any use should the aspect too big or too small for an existing house.
Firstly, have clear imagination on what will deck railing be from outside. You might need to do some mathematical thingy for the element.
Use the imagination as the basis for jotting down sizes of deck railing materials. You must calculate the exact length and thickness of each wood board for the deck railing.
The height of the deck railing shouldn’t be dismissed. The point holds the key to a beautiful view of the element.
Some house owners would love to have short deck railing while others choose the reverse. In addition, you need to examine the outdoor space that surrounds the house.
If your house has a few meters before the road, create small flooring for deck railing. On the reversed scenario, not all vacant space can’t be used for deck railing area.
Do you wish for low maintenance or high maintenance? The question highly relates to money but the answer doesn’t revolve around the matter only.
We suggest you consider factors before coming to terms with maintenance. Ask yourself questions: will I have some kids that play around the planned deck railing?
Will I resale the house later on? Will I have time and money to check the element on a regular basis?
If your answers for the first two questions no, you will need to allocate much money for deck railing. Call this as an investment.
With high qualified and stylish deck railing, you won’t have to spend the maintenance budget as pricey as if you choose inexpensive deck railing materials.
Affordable deck railing materials don’t always lead to high maintenance costs. This may happen when you utilize the aspect for decoration only.
With no small kids at the house, you can call it safe to have inexpensive or DIY deck railing.
Deck Railing Cost
Determining deck railing cost depends so much on what deck railing material you would like to choose. The point is inseparable with the deck railing prerequisites above.
Generally, you will need to spend US$925 for installing a 10-foot deck railing. A whole deck railing project costs from US$420 to US$6.480.
For materials alone, you will need to allocate from US$150 to U$6,000 per 10-foot section.
The average labor cost of deck railing installation is around US$70 per hour or US$30 per linear foot.
Glass deck railing costs a higher budget than other deck railing materials. A simple or sophisticated deck railing model is another consideration for the cost.
The deck railing cost may be higher when you want to add extras, such as fire pits, spas or shade structures.
Deck Railing Materials
A wide range of deck railing materials is available to meet your preference. Determining proper deck railing materials correlates with planned deck railing style.
Some of the popular materials include wood, cable, PVC, metal, and rope. They will be made into various colors, sizes, and qualities.
Find out more about them in the pictures below.
Deck Railing Lighting
Some of you may want to keep deck railing appealing during night time. Putting lighting into deck railing will make outdoor barbeque parties awesome in the night.
Completing deck railing with lighting will turn your house very special when Christmas or other festivals come around.
Personal taste decides the final look of deck railing lighting. Some available lighting models are LED, rope lighting and small bulbs.
You can either choose bright rays or dim ones for the deck railing. Choosing which one of them will lead to a different atmosphere for the deck area.
Equipping the deck with bright rays will serve as porch lighting, as well. The dim rays for the deck area will make it dramatic and romantic.
Setting up deck railing lighting requires you dealing with wires. If you have no basic carpentry knowledge, we suggest you hire a builder or contractor for doing so.
Deck Railing Ideas
Wood Deck Railing Ideas

Popular and flexible. Wood becomes widely-used deck railing material today. The first example chooses the wood type that looks fair.
The deck railing well fits the deck floor. The two make the area simple and homey. The deck railing has taller and thicker wood posts that make the area cool enough.

Another wood deck railing option for a lighter and brighter look. The sample selects whitish wood color that surrounds the unique area.
The deck railing corresponds with the floor thus creates them all nice view to enjoy. Moreover, the deck railing has a so-called lower story that feels adorable and pleasant.

Or you can add some ornaments like the example shows. The extra creates the deck railing stylish. It sweetens the small deck area.
The example chooses a light wood type that functions as the staircase, too. The deck railing fits with the house red bricks.
The two make the house earthy.

In this example, wood deck railing covers larger space as compared to the previous ones. The wood type also serves as the staircase.
The house applies the same wood category for the porch roof and posts. The wood deck railing corresponds to the house that uses grey wood boards.

The deck railing looks trendiest of all in the list. The example encourages you seeking an edgy style that refreshes deck railing look.
The wood deck railing seems attractive with white and grey wood looks. We find the deck railing style gives a bit privacy from outside lookers.
Curved Deck Railing Ideas

A curved deck railing can become a signature part of your house. Our first example reveals half oval deck railing for the front part only.
The deck railing pairs with black deck railing that looks straight. The combination creates the area unique. The expansive area makes the section cozy and relaxing.

The deck railing looks circular. The oval style has open entrance but we can still observe the deck railing forms a circle.
The whole area looks attractive as the curved deck railing takes the central spot. The brown-and-white wood colors beautify the section, making it classic and classy.

While the first two ideas look smooth in curves, this one seems different. The deck railing has some curves but in broken manners.
We thus feel the deck railing affirmative and trendy. The wood category further creates the deck railing classic. Such a perfect companion for the vintage house.

Looking like a snake, right? The curved deck railing in the center looks sophisticated and smooth.
The area has two curved deck railing types. The curved deck railing gets separated from the small pole and the bench.
The same wood type makes up the curved deck railing and the floor.

Complete your curved deck railing with a spiral or curved staircase like this one. The addition makes the whole area fascinating and modern.
The curved deck railing consists of black metal and brown-painted wood. The curved deck railing seamlessly runs in a unique format that is neither circle nor rectangular.
Cable Deck Railing Ideas

Cable deck railing creates the area modern and invisible. With cable, the deck railing looks advanced and spacious.
The first example chooses a white cable that extends horizontally. The cable shares the same color with the posts. You can thus feel a harmony between the two aspects.
The deck railing looks simple in the design.

The deck railing picks cable that enables us to see the end-parts. You can thus see the deck railing seems unprocessed or even untidy.
Somehow, the sense turns the deck railing simpler and more modern. The element brings a refreshing tone for the wooden flooring that seems natural and warm.

The example becomes the most modern of all the ideas in the point. The cable deck railing works with metal railing.
The cable has spindles that make the aspect interesting. The house sets up the deck railing that contrasts with the wood staircase.
Again, modern and natural flavors come together for deck railing.

The fourth example shares a similar cable type with the second one. You can see the cable end-parts on the wood posts.
This time around, the cable deck railing works with wood posts. The whole deck seems modern because of the wood type.

You can choose cable then turn it into a net like this. The cable deck railing pairs with a wood type that looks traditional.
We feel the cable deck railing casual and traditional. The cable part guards small children against falling off. They can hold to the cable so they won’t fall into the pool.
Rope Deck Railing Ideas

Beach, nautical and dock. Rope deck railing ideas closely tie to the themes. We classify the first example looking closer to dock deck railing.
The example selects sturdy and thick rope that ties the wood posts. The rope arrangement makes the deck looking traditional and warm.

You can apply rope deck railing for the balcony. The example arranges the rope in exquisite and beautiful manners.
The rope brings a classic feel to the modern posts in the house. The dense rope arrangement guards small children against falling off. The rope thus functions as a fence.

You can let rope deck railing loose. The example looks brilliant as the rope modeling makes the aspect looking wonderful.
The rope functions as the railing that runs from one post to the other. We find the rope deck railing resembles the element in harbors.
The choice makes the deck looking open.

Adjust rope with wood deck type for optimum pier look in your house. The deck railing chooses a strong and thick rope that reminds us of the material at a pier.
The rope functions as staircase handling rail besides deck hand railing. The rope, the post and the boards all share similar wood colors.

The white rope becomes the deck railing unique. The material forms a slim net look that pairs with wood posts nearby.
The deck railing chooses the dense, rope net that adjusts with the deck railing height. It can guard people against falling off. We notice the deck railing is part of a holiday resort.
Aluminum Deck Railing Ideas

Practical and cool. Our first example chooses black aluminum that fits the modern house. The material serves as the staircase material, too.
The deck railing color corresponds with the grey house wall. The floor, on the other hand, uses wood. We thus see a creative neutral color scheme in the picture.

For bright shade of the grey house, consider to choose white aluminum as the picture reveals. The deck railing looks modern and light.
The deck railing pairs with the wood floor that looks casual and fair. Some of the posts of the deck railing contain lamp holders for lighting.

We don’t see many differences between the deck railing with the first example. The aluminum deck railing works with the modern floor.
We find the deck railing and the floor interesting to the house that surprisingly looks humble with wood posts. We also see the house contains wood deck railing.

You can combine aluminum and wood as a deck railing. The house chooses the two materials to ensure the deck strong and long-durable.
The deck railing surrounds the backyard of the house. The aluminum deck railing creates a modern element for the house that utilizes wood.
The dense aluminum arrangement ensures the deck safe for kids.

Combining aluminum with cable makes the deck railing looking nice. The deck railing stands on top of wood boards.
The cable makes the deck railing looking invisible but reliable for guarding. The deck railing becomes very cool as it forms a curve that’s in line with the deck shape.
Beach Deck Railing Ideas

You’ll find most of beach deck railing involves white-painted wood posts. But that doesn’t limit your choice on wood deck railing only.
The first example combines wood-painted wood posts with cable. The deck railing thus looks modern and simple. The cable makes the deck railing looking as if it were invisible.

This house applies beach deck railing despite the tight porch area. It goes for familiar beach deck railing with white-painted posts only.
The beach deck railing concept seems strong that appears in the staircase. Notice how the deck railing style really fits with the house style that looks classic.

You can especially choose beach deck railing that often appears in beach café. The example portrays beach deck railing with an X-shaped style.
We often discover the deck railing model in coastal café. With the deck railing model, the area seems casual and relaxing. Nice place to hang out with family and friends.

In terms of deck railing material, we find the example shares a similar concept with the second sample. We bring up the sample because of the deck railing final look.
Consider applying the style when you have a large porch. The house sets up beach deck railing staircases to color the front staircase.

Of course, you can choose other than white-painted wood. The last model chooses another material that gets painted in soft grey.
The deck railing seems short and runs throughout the porch that lies wide open as it faces the ocean. The deck railing looks complex as the veranda has some stories.
Tempered Glass Deck Railing Ideas

Tempered glass deck railing is among the most expensive concepts. You will have to carefully set up the material with wood or aluminum for the deck.
Our first example chooses tempered glass boards that look invisible from afar. It pairs with the light wood type that eventually creates the deck simple and modern.

This one looks more complex. The tempered glass deck railing chooses tempered glass sheets that perfectly fit on the holders.
The transparent feature of the tempered glass pairs with the white-painted wood posts.
The combination of the materials still leaves vacant space for letting air getting inside the deck.

Another creative idea for your tempered deck railing. The example firstly chooses a unique deck railing concept with the post arrangement.
As that’s completed, the deck railing sets aside a room that takes up a tempered glass. The glass allows you viewing green scenery outside the deck.
The deck brings a refreshing option for the modest house.

We see a strong contrast in the house. Traditional and earthy flavors come from the wood whilst the modern tone appears from the tempered glass deck railing.
As compared to the previous ones, the tempered glass deck railing stands alone. No wood or aluminum posts that accompany it.

Much like the first example, the tempered glass deck railing mostly relies on the material. Black-painted wood posts accompany the tempered glass.
The house uses the tempered glass for letting you enjoy the swimming pool below. Interesting enough the tempered glass deck railing doesn’t apply to all the deck parts.
Composite Deck Railing Ideas

Composite railing brings together polyvinyl chloride and recycled wood flour that withstands weather changes and remains beautiful.
The first example applies a simple design but looks elegant with black and white coming together. The deck railing brings variation to the wood floor.
We see another magical tone from neutral colors, here.

Like aluminum deck railing, composite deck railing is easy to install. The deck railing has a casual style with vertical, black posts as the central content.
The deck railing seems cool enough as the composite deck railing wraps the staircase part. Such a simple and nice outdoor look for this modest house.

Some of us may instead call the deck railing as a wood deck railing. By afar, the deck railing looks the same with wood deck railing.
This one uses a composite concept. The deck railing keeps the element simple with no other materials that accompany the element.
We call this one as an ordinary composite deck railing.

The house selects composite deck railing that matches the wood floor category. You can sense compatibility between the floor and the deck posts.
The deck railing chooses black metal as part of the composite. The deck railing seems rather short so that you can absorb the outside beauty.

The example informs us a composite deck railing fits for modern houses or buildings. This one shows the deck railing choice creates the area open and airy.
The deck railing combines cable and black metal. The choice keeps the area safe and allows them to enjoy the view on the outside.
Unique Deck Railing Ideas

Natural and sophisticated. The deck railing looks unique after it combines strong branches and blue-painted wood.
We believe the deck railing setup requires a builder’s help. The cost of hiring the builder is so worth it. The deck railing looks extraordinary and creative.
It definitely becomes a focal point.

The example pairs wooden floor with edgy deck railing. The deck railing uses patterned motif design then attaches it with the wood posts on the top.
The model attracts us because the house takes total contrast. The house gets surrounded by trees while the deck railing seems modern instead.

Sunburst deck railing looks remarkable. We find the deck railing idea wonderful because this actually stems from a simple idea.
The deck railing contains a wooden gate that makes it juicier. The all-wood deck part truly decorates the house that feels plain and simple. Such a brilliant idea!

Sometimes, a whole deck layout is what makes a deck railing exceptional. This one contains simple wood deck railing.
But the whole deck looks amazing because of the deck concept. The deck railing follows the deck contour that creates “firm, open boxes” and staircase.
Such a humble but creative concept.

Unlike the previous examples, this one looks fashionable because of the long, curved staircase that accompanies the deck railing.
The staircase seems to unite in the end part. The deck railing contains lamps that once switched on, the deck looks beautiful.
The flowers make the deck more tempting.