MIRRORED KITCHEN BACKSPLASH IDEAS – Modern and reflective. Many choose mirrored kitchen backsplash as a cool way to turn the part as a stylish one. This backsplash design allows for the wider feeling when the kitchen occupies small or limited space.
You can select this backsplash design when seeking for one that can represent clear looking for the whole kitchen. Read our list to get details along with samples of mirrored kitchen backsplash.
Modest, Mirrored Kitchen Backsplash

Keep your kitchen appearance minimalist with this plain, mirrored backsplash design. Choose one large stainless steel sheet as backsplash as this picture shows. The backsplash covers empty space between the kitchen hood and the countertop.
The backsplash looks glowing at a fair level. With that, you can take a small glimpse of your own face. This backsplash gets support from the kitchen’s countertop that uses stainless steel metal as the material.
The plain-looking backsplash provides balance for the red drawers.
Fresh, Mirrored Kitchen Backsplash

First of all, the backsplash suggests you choose glass tiles that can provide a shiny tone for backsplash. Or you can choose glossy board materials that can save your budget. With that, your backsplash can shine during day and night.
For fresh ambiance, you can consider this shade of green. The color provides refreshing and natural tone although they don’t come from raw materials. The backsplash itself contains rectangular tiles with white edges.
Bring out an optimum glowing effect from this backsplash especially when put the kitchen beside a large window as this picture suggests.
Elegant, Mirrored Kitchen Backsplash

For long-lasting effects, choose copper as a natural color provider. This material best brings a reddish tone for your planned backsplash. This picture shows you other specific strategies to achieve an elegant, mirrored one.
Covering from top to the kitchen’s countertop, you can look at the shiny effect of the copper from the electronic stove. The backsplash contains rectangular tiles with a soft shade of copper. The backsplash doesn’t select a bright shade of the metal.
That choice turns the backsplash into the graceful area without losing the glowing side.
Top Mirrored Kitchen Backsplash

By the word “top”, we really mean you can really look at your own face clearly from this backsplash. The backsplash uses small tiles that come in irregular sizes. Almost like a mosaic, the backsplash feels “crowded” and lively.
The backsplash seems metallic that probably comes from the metal as the material for the backsplash. That brings to an understandable opinion that the backsplash looks like a real mirror.
And with the kitchen’s countertop that uses natural stone, the backsplash looks very reflective. The backsplash supports the kitchen that looks futuristic.
Bold, Mirrored Kitchen Backsplash

Quite similar to the first idea, the fifth of our overall mirrored kitchen backsplash ideas utilize large, plain sheets. The sheet looks glowing. You can look at the reflective side of the backsplash as it mirrors the walls of the kitchen when the light is on.
The backsplash chooses red for the bold and brave extra ambiance that you can feel from this picture. For this ambiance, you need to choose the bright shade of red for optimum energetic feeling.
The backsplash provides a striking contrast to the kitchen’s neutral feeling. The overall tone comes from the kitchen countertop and the cabinetry.
Dark, Mirrored Kitchen Backsplash

Dark tiles can be reflective upon some conditions. First of all, you need to choose glass tiles with dark tone as seen from this picture. The backsplash contains black, rectangular glass tiles that come in various sizes, from small to large.
The second aspect requires you placing the backsplash nearby windows as this picture further suggests. With that strategy, the tiles can be more glowing. The picture shows that you don’t have to worry dark tiles for backsplash can lead to gloomy tone.
The backsplash proves the mirrored tiles can instead create glossy and positive feeling while in the kitchen.
Carefree, Mirrored Kitchen Backsplash

Our seventh idea applies to mosaic design. The backsplash contains small, squared tiles in some colors; blue, brown and white, among others. Blue becomes the dominant color for this backsplash.
Running from top to down (the kitchen’s countertop), the backsplash looks shiny and colorful. The backsplash can provide you joyful feeling once stepping inside the kitchen.
Use this design when looking for a quick good mood booster when you are about to lose temper as a heap of dirty glasses and plates welcoming you at once.
Cute, Mirrored Kitchen Backsplash

We bring you again glass tile as an easy bringer of reflective or mirrored effect. This backsplash uses glass tiles injected into the small, rectangular tiles. The backsplash seems pure because of the white tiles, including as the color for the edges.
We call this backsplash as a cute example because of the small tiles. The tiles are well-ordered for extra lovely sight to see while spending time in the kitchen.
Subway, Mirrored Kitchen Backsplash

What an innovation subway-styled tile is. You can get classic and reflective effects of this design. Once emerging in the early 1900s, the backsplash has been offering timeless benefits.
Besides the classic, you can obtain a mirrored effect from the tiles. The backsplash brings in the clean ambiance for the kitchen. The backsplash helps to widen the kitchen that occupies limited space.
With the kitchen’s countertop that uses natural stone, the backsplash glows even brighter.
Fancy, Mirrored Kitchen Backsplash

After stainless steel and copper, you can choose metal as a mirrored kitchen backsplash material. The backsplash can be looking glowing at a fair level without using glass tiles. That is because of the attribute of the metal as a natural reflective provider.
The backsplash contains small, rectangular shapes from top to down. The backsplash becomes the backdrop of the storage. It doesn’t cover sink or stove as we typically see as the cooking equipment lies next to the storage.
You can prove the reflective side of the backsplash from the kitchen’s countertop. Overall, the small spot becomes a fancy and cute sight to see.
Hopefully, you can draw inspiration which idea to practice that can bring in mirrored effect at various levels.