BLACK KITCHEN BACKSPLASH IDEAS – For black lovers, black kitchen backsplash crosses their minds when thinking of designing or remodeling their kitchens. They know very well the peculiar beautiful thing about black kitchen backsplash.
Elegant and brave are the two top attributes that they can obtain from this style. And you can, too, despite the fact that you may not yet love the color that much. Consider this model when wishing to create an exceptional kitchen backsplash.
Impressive Black Kitchen Backsplash

The backsplash looks impressive with trimmed, rectangular tiles ordered in that manner. Each of the tiles seems all black, with no other colors painting its border. The concentrated tiles don’t look glossy or shining.
The tile order and the non-glossy feature become two factors that turn the backsplash into an impressive and graceful one. The backsplash shares a portion with the white concrete of the kitchen’s wall.
The backsplash brings a striking contrast with the dominant white in this kitchen. You can choose this partial black-and-white backsplash as a nice start.
Bold, Black Kitchen Backsplash

Much like the first idea, our second recommendation utilizes rectangular tiles but with smaller sizes. The tiles are well-ordered in conventional kind of way. The tiles don’t use edges from other colors, like white.
From the first and the second idea, you can obtain how much influential the tile arrangement brings in the kitchen. The backsplash seems bold at a fair level. You can also sense graceful and casual feelings from this example.
The backsplash matches with the metallic tone that comes from the stove and the kitchen hood, among others.
Total Black Kitchen Backsplash

We call this third idea as our top black kitchen backsplash design. The backsplash divides itself into two parts. The first one refers to the kitchen’s wall that is painted in black.
The second part of the backsplash points at the small, squared tiles that are totally in black, with no edges from other colors. The two parts turn the backsplash into a total, black kitchen backsplash model. They seem dark and slightly glossy.
The dark ambiance becomes a dominant feeling due to the black countertop and the drawers. This sample proves totally black kitchen backsplash doesn’t feel gloomy and bleak.
Elegant, Black Kitchen Backsplash

From this sample, we wish to show you how simple tile size and tile color can result in different kitchen backsplash atmosphere. This fourth idea resembles the first one. The two utilize rectangular tiles that are ordered in a skewed manner.
The difference lies in white lines that border each tile. The tiles seem longer than those in the first model. The tiles at this point don’t look glowing that somehow results in the graceful tone of the backsplash.
The tile-part runs from the floating storage to the countertop, while the first part refers to the black-painted wall.
Upgraded Black Kitchen Backsplash

Upgraded black kitchen backsplash refers to a trendy design that breaks through common design. You can select this model when wishing for a refreshed black kitchen that also doesn’t look dark or bold.
This backsplash contains small, rectangular tiles that look black, grey and light grey. The tiles are well-ordered from the farthest left to the right-end. The backsplash matches the countertop that uses black, natural stone.
You can choose wallpaper with this design for a more affordable option.
Refreshing Black Kitchen Backsplash

For those of you who doubt whether or not black kitchen backsplash can be feeling fresh, this idea is for you. The recipe for this sub backsplash design lies on the ceramic material. The backsplash contains black, large square tiles made from natural stone.
The material brings in natural fresh tone. Hence, the backsplash seems fresh despite the dark color. The backsplash fits with the kitchen’s countertop that also utilizes the same tile material.
Besides, the whole kitchen feels graceful because of the wooden cabinetry and the drawers, too.
Catchy Black Kitchen Backsplash

The seventh of our overall black kitchen ideas may become your most-sought recommendation. We heard you all! The list will be unfair without including black, patterned kitchen backsplash.
As a neutral color, black can be used in tile design. This backsplash, for instance, looks catchy because of the simple and chic design.
The backsplash uses squares, each of the squared tiles contains gentle lines that result in the alluring backsplash when the four tiles are put together. The backsplash shares space with the red bricks for a natural feeling, too.
Dramatic Black Kitchen Backsplash

Another premium use of black as a dramatic color provider. The backsplash uses concentrated, black rectangular tiles with no edges from other colors. The backsplash is divided into two sections.
The backsplash seems dramatic in this kitchen as supported by the black-painted kitchen wall. The wooden cabinetry supports the dramatic feeling in this minimalist kitchen.
Simple, Black Kitchen Backsplash

We call this idea as simple, black kitchen backsplash because we often see this style in home improvement stores. This subway-styled black kitchen backsplash uses rectangular tiles with white borders.
Almost similar to the fourth one, this model looks glowing. This makes the backsplash feels refreshed and casual. The backsplash covers a relatively large area that matches the black countertop.
The backsplash adds a relaxed atmosphere feeling already fills up the minimalist kitchen.
Vibrant, Black Kitchen Backsplash

The last backsplash uses mosaic model with colored small tiles filling up the desired backsplash area. The backsplash encompasses small tiles from black, white and grey. The tiles are put in no specific order.
This irregular pattern somehow makes this backsplash unique and lively. When you wish for a lively, black kitchen backsplash, go for mosaic style or small tiles put together. This backsplash matches with the black, wooden cabinetry and the drawers that we see here.
So, those are our overall 10 black kitchen backsplash ideas that hopefully can prove how versatile black is. You can apply one of the designs or choose the wallpaper that resembles one of the models we mentioned before. Happy experimenting!