CHEAP KITCHEN ISLAND IDEAS – Can I create a kitchen island that doesn’t cost so much money? Is it possible to create an inexpensive kitchen island that remains stylish? If you have those kinds of questions, you came to the right article.
What you need is extra time for reading various cheap kitchen island models that remain attractive. Don’t forget to resume that first step with possible secondhand furniture hunting or furniture recycling.
Simple, Cheap Kitchen Island Idea

You can purchase wooden table like this when your budget is tight. This wooden table suffices for a simple kitchen island. You can buy chairs to complete this kitchen island or drag chairs in the dining room once in a while.
This kitchen island doesn’t use pricey wooden materials as we often see in the vintage kitchen island that applies antique wooden materials. In this kitchen island, you can place mugs, teapot, eating utensils and groceries.
When serving as a mini dining set, you can eat with your kids before they go to school.
Plain, Cheap Kitchen Island

We bring another cheap kitchen island with just one table. This kitchen island consists of a light wooden table that can take up plenty of items. From fruits to eating utensils, arrange them all at this kitchen island.
Fresh and natural, this kitchen island contains two layers for different items to make it easier for arranging. You need to regularly clean up items put here because this open storage concept can’t keep them off from dust.
And if you have small children, try keeping them away from the storage.
Cute, Cheap Kitchen Island

A set of cute dining set like this seems so cute and of course purposeful for this galley kitchen. This floating kitchen island looks tiny and adorable. Your small children can eat a quick breakfast here before heading to school.
Or you can invite your friends for afternoon tea time. Besides, as the mini dining set, you can make use of this kitchen island for placing groceries after shopping. When not in use at all, place fresh flowers on top of the table.
With that simple act, this kitchen island now becomes cute decoration.
Unique, Cheap Kitchen Island

Here comes another version of a kitchen island that uses wooden materials. Like the earlier recommendations, this sample selects light wooden materials that are more affordable compared to antique wooden materials.
This time around, the kitchen island looks unique because the wooden materials now turned into a rounded table. On that countertop, you can place raw fruits or vegetables. As you sit in one of the chairs surrounding the countertop, cut the food ingredients.
Invite your spouse of children for small help. This simple kitchen island now turns into a social spot for the family.
Elegant, Cheap Kitchen Island

You can select certain material that seems affordable as seen from this picture. This can serve a cheaper version compared to marble or natural stone as the countertop of your kitchen island. This kitchen island doesn’t include chairs.
That strategy can help you trim the budget. This kitchen island remains stylish with the dark shade of grey that wraps the kitchen island. This color brings a graceful feeling, especially with that large size. Use the kitchen island as sink and preparatory areas.
If you dislike the color, choose another one that matches your personality.
Creative, Cheap Kitchen Island

The sixth of our cheap kitchen island ideas suggest you one important recipe. Think about creating a kitchen island before planning a kitchen. Consult with a professional for a possible kitchen island using the same material as the countertop of the kitchen.
This kitchen island shows the best sample for that. You can see that this kitchen island joins with the kitchen’s countertop. You only need to provide chairs for kids sitting at while eating cereals and drinking milk for breakfast.
For even trimmer budget, drag chairs from the dining room. No need for you to buy a new set of chairs.
Classic, Cheap Kitchen Island

Recycle old furniture then reuse it as a countertop for your planned kitchen island. Take this image as a recommendation. This kitchen island looks shabby chic, classic and pretty. You can hunt for antique storage that looks like a small wardrobe here.
Else, you can ask for old relatives who still keep the furniture and want to donate it for you. On top of the storage, place beautiful blue-and-white marble as the countertop. The countertop still represents a classic design that seems lovely despite a simple pattern.
From this concept, you learn sometimes reclaimed furniture can hold the magic.
Traditional, Cheap Kitchen Island

Look carefully again at your house. Who knows there is aged furniture that can be retouched into something beneficial like the kitchen island in this picture. The kitchen island utilizes wooden storage that gets painted in blue.
Refreshed and still strong, this kitchen island holds a wooden table as the countertop. This kitchen island serves as a mini dining set for whole family members. When not in use, place fresh flowers or plants on top of the table as a decoration.
Fresh, Cheap Kitchen Island

We mean it when we categorize our ninth idea as a cheap kitchen island one. Our ninth recommendation applies a similar one with the sixth idea. You can include a kitchen island into your planned whole kitchen.
As such, you only need to enlarge the material number for the whole area. No need for new and different marble or natural stone as a countertop for planned kitchen island.
This image proves that the idea results in the fresh, coffee bar-inspired kitchen island that matches the entire kitchen.
Casual, Cheap Kitchen Island

Our last suggestion comes in this plain, wooden kitchen island that seems less costly compared to marbles. This one large wooden table is all that you need for a casual kitchen island.
With that large size, better utilize the kitchen island as a mini dining set. After children depart to schools, make use of the kitchen as a preparatory area for groceries after shopping.
We believe this kitchen island is commonplace in many home improvement stores. You can choose for smaller countertop.