KITCHEN ISLAND COUNTERTOP IDEAS – Countertop is an inseparable aspect of a kitchen island. This is where we do activities that support our activities in the kitchen, from cleaning hands before cutting vegetables to washing dirty dishes after dinner.
A kitchen island contains rich countertop designs in the market. You need to calculate the budget before selecting which countertop style and material that meets your necessity. We prove below 10 kitchen island countertop models that hopefully can inspire you.
Kitchen Island Wooden Countertop

Let us start with this simple countertop. Easy to find and affordable, this kitchen island consists of a wooden countertop that functions more as storage and table. This kitchen island doesn’t set aside space for a sink.
The wooden material doesn’t look that much solid for the sink that is usually made from a strong metal material. You can choose this modest countertop when you have sufficient sink as seen at the back of the kitchen island.
Use the wooden countertop for preparing food ingredients, placing fresh vegetables after shopping and many more.
Kitchen Island Antique Countertop

We bring you again another sample of a wooden countertop. This time around, you can choose an antique, a wooden countertop that looks classic then becomes a decoration in this modern kitchen. This countertop resembles a vintage cupboard.
You can make use of this countertop for preparing food ingredients before cooking processes. Place a tray of cups of black coffee before carrying them to the dining or living room. Put groceries after shopping on top of the countertop before washing them.
When none of those things are needed, simply put fresh flowers or plants as refreshments.
Kitchen Island Pure Countertop

In coastal kitchen island like this, you are left with either blue or white for strong enhancer. This sample chooses a pure table as the countertop. Looking solid, you can make use of this countertop for cutting spices, fruits, vegetables, and beans.
Invite your small children or spouse for helping you do that. As you are all preparing the food ingredients, have a casual talk on what happened prior to that. If you live alone, occasionally ask for your friends to spend weekends on this kitchen island.
Serve hot chocolate right here. You can see amazing ties blooming from this kitchen island.
Kitchen Island Elegant Countertop

Certain material and color can signify countertop tone. We provide you a dark shade of grey that looks blue from afar. The countertop uses plain, minimalist material that serves more like a sink area. The color selection makes the countertop looking elegant.
There remains large space within this countertop that allows you utilizing that for many activities to support activities in this kitchen. You can dry clean dishes right after washing them. You can put fresh vegetables and groceries after shopping.
You can even gather dirty dishes, glasses, cups, and bowls firstly at this countertop before washing them all.
Kitchen Island Neutral Countertop

Our fifth is probably among popular samples of all. This kitchen island resembles the fourth recommendation. The kitchen island deploys plain material as the countertop. There is only a sink unit at this kitchen island.
Unlike the fourth one, this countertop looks neutral with a light shade of grey and dark shade of brown as the pillar or the stand. At this countertop, of course, you can wash dirty dishes and your hands before start cooking.
You can prepare for cooking at this countertop, like cutting fruits, spices, vegetables, and beans. Don’t forget to wash them all at the sink.
Kitchen Island Incredible Countertop

Some kitchens choose high-end marble or natural stone that serves as a countertop for their kitchen islands. Some even go deeper into certain countertop materials and colors that match with overall kitchen looks.
This image shows the best sample for that. The countertop of this kitchen island uses strong, white and brownish marble as the countertop. This fits into the overall kitchen’s appearance that looks classic and glam with white and brown ambiance.
At the countertop, you can wash dirty dishes and hands. Gather dirty dishes and fruits at the countertop to make you easier taking them one by one.
Kitchen Island Complete Countertop

Unlike the previous suggestions, we won’t focus on the material and ambiance that comes from this countertop. We are interested to describe the function of the countertop that plays various roles in that minimalist style.
The countertop uses white marble that looks solid and clean. From washing dirty dishes and hands before start cooking, you can place fruits that can be eaten by all family members at any time of the day, except during fasting.
Moreover, this countertop completes itself with many drawers that allow you keeping private documents, bills, keys and many more. Such a complete one!
Kitchen Island Cream Countertop

Here comes another sample for a countertop that supports an overall kitchen theme. This image shows the entire kitchen looks classic in cream. Therefore, this kitchen deploys cream countertop as part of the vintage and cream kitchen island.
You can practice this recommendation when thinking of having one like this. At the countertop, you can place dirty dishes then wash them all right away. You can place food ingredients before cooking.
You can also put cups of coffee or glasses or iced tea before serving them to friends waiting in the next room.
Kitchen Island Top Glowing Countertop

This kitchen island becomes the most glamorous of all. This kitchen island uses brownish marble that shines bright, especially when the lights are on. Classy and pricey, this countertop matches the kitchen’s whole classy and elegant look.
The countertop serves more like a table where which you can place food ingredients. You can drag chairs at which your friends can wait in this kitchen island as you are preparing cups of hot tea at the countertop.
Kitchen Island Dark Countertop

Obviously, not in a gloomy and bleak state of emotion. We categorize our last recommendation as a dark countertop by looking at its marble material and look. The countertop uses brown-to-black marble that seems dark in the literal meaning.
Despite so, the countertop glows that match the kitchen’s backsplash. From preparing food ingredients to the dining table, you can engage in many kitchen activities with whole family members at the kitchen island.