ANTIQUE KITCHEN LIGHTING IDEAS – By definition, antique refers to old things that contain a high value. In terms of antique kitchen lighting, you can come to the conclusion that style has ancient items that still look fabulous.
Thus, classic and traditional are closely attached to this particular lighting concept. Perhaps you have to hunt for antique items that may cost you high cost. Else, you can buy from seniors who have antique collectibles.
Here are our 10 sample of antique kitchen lighting for your inspiration.
Out-of-The-Box Antique Kitchen Lighting

Call this lighting a combination of a scale, chandelier and a mushroom. At a glance, that’s what we see from each of the lighting component. Let’s dig deeper into this antique kitchen lighting because it contains wealthy tips.
For this point, we focus only on the holder and the lower cover of the lighting. Dressed in black, they all look antique and old. We quickly refer the aspects to box cover that we saw once. With the top cover, the box cover instead looks like a scale.
The lighting becomes a unique attraction in this modern and classic kitchen.
Lavish Antique Kitchen Lighting

One of the easiest things to whether or not one item is antique, check its material. Black and silvery items can serve as entry way to determine that. If you’re still unsure, you can ask for information from seller of that antique item.
Our second idea, by the way, is such a treasure. The lighting looks lavish and pricey with the sophisticated and beautiful design of the lamp holder. This lighting showcases iconic home decoration that is made in the past.
The lighting wraps the kitchen so deep in antiquity and classicism.
Beautiful Antique Kitchen Lighting

Antique kitchen lighting is mostly colored by chandelier and lantern. The two were widely used by the people in the past because there wasn’t yet any inventions on lamps and bulbs. No wonder antique kitchen lighting draws inspiration from the two.
Our third idea takes creative idea. Lantern and chandelier are all put together in this kitchen. The lighting takes lantern-inspired shape as covers of the lighting. Inside the covers, there are lamps that are put as if they were candles.
Another strong antique bringer comes from the black metal holders.
Homey Antique Kitchen Lighting

We talked about this lighting in our previous articles. For this point, we will touch upon antique feature from this lighting. We believe most of you once saw this lighting. The lamp model of the lighting was common back in the days.
The lamps bring in homey and peaceful feelings in traditional kitchens. Now, look at the holder of the lamps. We assume the holder draws inspiration from lantern. The holder utilizes black metal that makes it looking strong.
That’s become the antique part of the lighting.
Wonderful Antique Kitchen Lighting

Antique kitchen lighting has iconic design that makes it long-standing as beautiful one despite modern time. Design interior lovers love modifying the style that adjusts with current concept. One of the iconic styles can be viewed from this image.
Unarguably, the holder of the lighting at the center seems old and strong. While that suffices for antique features, direct your eyes for the iconic classic lighting style. The style plays with curve lines then form them into this graceful lining.
The holder takes up the three flat, cute lamps that later produces dim ray.
Metal Antique Kitchen Lighting

We didn’t mention this before. Our sixth idea set itself apart from the previous examples. While the earlier ones are tied to European countries, this suggestion is closely tied to Mexican kitchen lighting style.
Our focus of discussion lies on the pendant lighting that consists of just one lamp. Interesting part of the lighting lies on the cover and holder of the lamp. The two seem so antique and precious with the simple design.
The kitchen chooses the silvery lighting to fit into the yellow kitchen.
Sophisticated Antique Kitchen Lighting

This is our primary example for chandelier-based antique kitchen lighting. This lighting showcases finest art of lighting design in European countries back in the days. We can’t stop admiring this piece of beauty from top to bottom.
The lighting utilizes the old metal holder and decoration. There are the graded candle spots within the lighting. Beneath the candles, you can see the small trinkets dropping down. The lighting realizes the sophisticated design that produces the ultimate sight.
With that attributes, the lighting takes center stage in this green kitchen.
Traditional Antique Kitchen Lighting

So, antique kitchen lighting is all about chandelier and lantern only? We heard your thought. We thus present for you this traditional and simple antique kitchen lighting for those of you who love simplicity.
Despite the modest style, we don’t guarantee the lighting costs low. It may be pricey if it were hundreds of years old already. The lighting consists of the two lamps. Wrapped in cone covers, the lamps look big.
The black cover makes the lamps producing dim ray that suffices for illuminating the kitchen island.
Impressive Antique Kitchen Lighting

On the surface, you may think this lighting resembles with the third one. Yes, both utilizes whole concept of candle in a lantern. The difference lies on the lantern part. This lighting doesn’t put lantern shape into practice, here.
The lighting applies interesting cover that innovates classic kitchen lighting general concept. The antique flavor comes from the black, metal as the material of the lighting.
Elegant Antique Kitchen Lighting

Our focus lies on the lighting with the cover that drops above the kitchen table. We are certain most of you saw this once. The lighting indeed seems classic and graceful. We often see this lighting when watching old movies that set background in Europe.
We believe the lighting looks antique because of the typical appearance that we just mentioned. The lighting has the circular, metal decoration that connects it with the thin, metal holder.
Do you thus wish to visit a flea or antique market after enjoying this article? If so, you’re not alone because we do, too.