INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN LIGHTING IDEAS – After a series of old feeling kitchen lighting models, it’s time for us inviting you practicing industrial kitchen lighting. We love this particular style because this feels so fresh and modern.
If you haven’t known, industrial kitchen lighting contains some iconic features. From them, you can choose one or two for your planned industrial kitchen lighting. That said, you can still enjoy the lighting concept without spending too much money.
Here is how you can do that.
Classic Industrial Kitchen Lighting

Oh, wait? Is that possible to blend classic and industrial into one kitchen lighting concept? Well, that’s so doable. Look at this picture if you still get confused. This kitchen lighting mixes the two aspects of the minimalist kitchen.
The classic tone comes from the shape of the lamp that draws inspiration from a church bell. Typically, we view the church bell as an ancient and traditional item. This kitchen lighting injects an industrial tone through the use of the glowing metal.
Henceforth, metal usage is one profound element of industrial kitchen lighting.
Easy Industrial Kitchen Lighting

Metal is applied for this second tip. Looking silvery, this kitchen lighting brings in industrial tone at a fair level. This idea fits for those of you who want to practice this lighting concept at a reasonable budget.
While the holder seems pricey, the lighting contains the bulbs with the glass boxes that seem affordable. The essence of the lighting looks simple and functional. The boxes help increasing ray produced by the lamps.
The three lamps suffice for illuminating this kitchen island. While for the entire space, the lighting gets support from the recessed lighting.
Simple Industrial Kitchen Lighting

This time around, we would like to focus on another thing that speaks about industrial kitchen lighting other than the metal holder. This picture suggests one simple idea that most of us may have missed this information before.
There is one particular bulb that identifies itself with industrial kitchen lighting. This lighting consists of the three pendant oversized bulbs. The bulbs resemble those used in factories that prefer using pendant oversized bulbs with no covers.
We expect the bulbs to produce bright rays that can lighten up the whole kitchen.
Soft Industrial Kitchen Lighting

Another super easy tip to bring into your kitchen industrial kitchen lighting at affordable prices. Plus, you can blend the style with a classic tone. This picture speaks much about that. The key lies in certain colors that closely tie to busy activities in factories.
Of course, you can’t choose red or pink for your planned industrial kitchen lighting. Soft and neutral colors are the best choices. You can also select bold colors. This galley kitchen selects the gray lighting that actually draws inspiration from the iconic classic lamps.
Leave the cable seen for extra industrial tone.
Homey Industrial Kitchen Lighting

You can guess why we love bulbs very much. This lamp style is open for many styles. Industrial kitchen lighting is no exception. You can bring into your kitchen this particular design with bulbs.
This picture makes us believing you can own this industrial kitchen lighting style at affordable prices. Like the earlier suggestions, industrial flavor comes from the metal holder of the lighting.
Leaving the bulbs seen becomes another industrial feature. We instead call this a homey one because it produces dim light that creates a comfortable feeling in the kitchen.
Familiar Industrial Kitchen Lighting

In contrary to some of the simple tips before, we bring this up for different reasons. The kitchen wishes to put a balance into the luxurious mode the kitchen reveals. The kitchen selects the small bulbs that are hanged from the kitchen’s ceiling.
The industrial flavor comes from the bulbs that are hanged at they are. No covers whatsoever. The lighting utilizes cables that are not covered by other materials.
The whole concept takes a precious feature from lighting in factories that are simple and functional. The lighting humbles the kitchen.
Innovative Industrial Kitchen Lighting

Neither bulb or cable, our seventh tip brings you another cool feature about industrial kitchen lighting. The trait lies in the kitchen lighting track. This galley kitchen chooses innovative kitchen lighting track that results in the awesome lighting.
The track is equipped with a lamp holder unit. The holder unit contains plenty of subunits to take up the lamps. The lamps face many directions in the kitchen. With the style, the lighting seems creative and becomes an attraction point for this modern kitchen.
Futurist Industrial Kitchen Lighting

Industrial track kitchen lighting becomes our central of discussion for this point. The track looks simple and resembles the track used in factories. The track uses metal that looks strong and solid for taking up the bulbs and the holders.
The holders also utilize metal while the cover of the bulbs seems metallic. With that said, the whole industrial kitchen lighting looks futurist and modern. The lighting fits into the modern kitchen.
With the glowing covers, the ray produced by the bulbs can reach wider space within this kitchen.
Pipe-Like Industrial Kitchen Lighting

We really admire industrial holder kitchen lighting. It has wealthy options that surprise us because the holder utilizes metal, iron, for instance. The material doesn’t create industrial kitchen lighting as a plain and neutral one.
Take this picture as an example. Through careful selection of lamp style, you can have this beautiful industrial kitchen lighting. If you take a second look, you can conclude the holder draws inspiration from the pipeline.
Who would have thought pipeline can be turned into this cool lighting handle?
Adorable Industrial Kitchen Lighting

We close this list with the adorable industrial kitchen lighting. Industrial flavor comes from the metallic tone that is contributed by the holder and the cover of the lamp. We specifically call this a cute one because of the cover style.
The whole lighting looks very stylish and cute. The covers seem small while the lamps are big. The cover selection makes us able to see half part of the lamps.
Dropped from the wooden ceiling, the lighting reminds us of the lighting used in the traditional or home industry.