Doing laundry is one of daily chores that takes time and wear you out if you do not use washing machines. In other words, the invention of washing machines is obviously a big help especially for people with a tight schedule.
When we go to the market to buy a washing machine, generally you will find three types of washing machines. They are top load impeller, front load, and top load agitator. Each type has different characteristics, so you can see it’s advantage and disadvantage.
1. Top Load Impeller Washing Machines

We can say that the top load impeller washing machines belong to the newest model of appliances. This one has higher efficiency than other types of washing machines. The unique characteristic of this one is the impeller installed at the bottom of the drum.
The function of impeller which is installed at the bottom is to swirl the clothes in one direction then to the opposite direction. The tub inside the machine that can move continuously will enhance the washing stroke. Surely it will optimize the washing process.
a. The Advantage of Top Impeller Washing Machines
The impeller washing machines are recommended because their washing stroke towards your clothes are gentle. Hence, your clothes will be more durable. They are sufficient for large loads and their cycle times are quite short.
Some of them are equipped with deep fill feature. This feature enables you to fill up water more for larger clothes. With highly efficient features, the top load impeller washing machine is quite affordable. Again, the price depends on the brand and features.
b. The Disadvantage of Top Impeller Washing Machines
You have to be careful in selecting which top impeller washing machines offering deep fill feature because not all of them have this feature. Some of them enables you to fill up water deeply throughout all cycles while others offer deep fill for one cycle only. The rest has no ability to fill up water at all.
Another thing that makes people dislike the top impeller washing machines is its loud sound. For example, if you do the laundry with the washing machine venting loud noise, surely it will disturb anyone who is sleeping or working nearby the laundry room.
2. Front Load Washing Machines

The way how the front load washing machines work is by stirring up the clothes, so all items will rub against another. The cycle is quite gentle on your clothes. To use this washing machines, you do not need to fill up much water.
To effectively washing clothes, you just need to fill up water below the door. The front load can spin rapidly, so you can put larger clothes at the front. With that you can speed up the drying process.
a. The Advantages of Front Load Washing Machines
Comparing front load to other types of washing machines, you can see that this one is the quietest. Since it makes the clothes stroke each other by stirring up, the washing stroke resulted is gentle. It is also eligible to wash items in large size like comforters, blankets or sleeping bags.
They are also supported with innovative control panels that are easy to us. You can select cycle and press the start button, and the system will automatically do the laundry process. Some of them can be paired with the matching clothes dryer. It surely will save space in your laundry room.
This one tends to be environment friendly because only use 1/3 water only. Since it uses less water, the drying process will take shorter than other types of washing machines. It can save the energy as well, so it will reduce your monthly electric bill.
b. The Disadvantages of Front Load Washing Machines
Cycle time of this machine is typically long. Its range is around 1.5 and even 2 times longer than other types of washing machines. Due to less water usage, if the clothes are very dirty and smell, it cannot be cleaned or sanitized perfectly.
The possibility of mold and mildew growing in front load washing machines is higher than other types of washing machines. In addition, it transfers the vibrations to your wood floor.
3. Top Load Agitator Washing Machines

Among all types of washing machines, the top load agitator is categorized into traditional model. This washing machine is supported with a long stirring device that we call agitator. This agitator will do the washing process during its cycle to make the clothes swirl against others.
a. The Advantages of Top Load Agitator Washing Machines
The price of this washing machine is absolutely cheap. Considering the old types of washing machines with good performance, the cost is worth it. The powerful performance of washing machine enhances the washing process to get the clothes clean optimally.
b. The Disadvantages of Top Load Agitator Washing Machines
The powerful performance of this washing machine can get your clothes clean well. On the other hand, the agitator action toward your clothes is practically harder so it will potentially damage your clothes.
This machine is not environment friendly because it requires a lot of water to do the washing process Moreover, its long cycle will certainly use up the energy. It will increase your monthly electric bill.
It is better to know the types of washing machines in advance before you go to the market to buy the new one. You need to explore detail information about its feature, the advantages and the disadvantages from any online source as a reference.
Another important thing is thinking about the space where you will put the washing machine. If you have no enough space at home, it will be better to buy the compact shaped washing machine. It is possible for you to measure the width of laundry room before purchasing the washing machine.
Do not forget to take your budget into consideration as well. That is why you need to collect information regarding the washing machine features and price in advance. Comparing its price at any marketplace, so once you get to the market you will get the washing machine that you afford and meet your need.