KITCHEN ISLAND TRIM IDEAS – Not all house owners have large or squared space for their kitchens. Some are left with trim or limited space for the kitchens. This fact influences for kitchen island concepts.
Kitchen island trim models attempt to answer those of you who have limited space for kitchen islands. Still focus on function, we provide you a list of 10 kitchen island trim models that hopefully can encourage you getting creative with whichever size you have.
Antique Kitchen Island Trim Ideas

Contrast your modern kitchen with a state-of-the-art appliance with antique kitchen island trim idea. You don’t need to purchase many furniture. Sometimes, an antique cupboard like this suffices for the necessary kitchen island trim model.
This kitchen island consists of that one furniture. Neither chairs nor sink unit attached to this kitchen island. Apply this simple kitchen island for utilizing space, particularly when your kitchen looks like this narrow, much like a corridor.
Choose an antique or beautiful kitchen island that provides refreshment into your overall kitchen look. This kitchen island serves more like a table and decoration.
Quirky Kitchen Island Trim Model

Hands up when you think this kitchen island seems so exceptional upon looking at it at once! This kitchen island deploys a trimmed, wooden table that copies a graceful design from a piano. Add to that is the tall, cute chair for a small child.
This kitchen island mostly appropriates for narrow or trim kitchen space. Place this kitchen island for a mini dining set for your small kid. You can also put pieces of bread, jars of chocolate and cheese as breakfast before heading to school.
Place groceries at the table beneath the countertop. Super unique and simple, this kitchen island remains purposeful.
Casual Kitchen Island Trim Design

Some of you prefer to use a simple and affordable wooden kitchen island. This kitchen island attracts you the most because it can play many roles, from storing groceries to serving as a mini dining set.
Take this sample as a reference. This kitchen island suits for whichever kitchen sizes, large, small or trimmed one. In particular, take a wooden countertop that contains some layers that can turn into shelves. Place eating utensils, heater, teapot and more, here.
Complete the countertop with wooden chairs for a relaxed and homey feeling.
Clear Kitchen Island Trim Reference

Coffee bar-inspired kitchen indeed brings a peculiar style that lures many modern kitchen owners. This concept utilizes trimmed space through lengthy table or countertop with iconic cute chairs. This minimalist kitchen applies this sub concept well enough.
The countertop of this kitchen island chooses white marble that looks clear and fresh. This material matches with the kitchen’s backsplash that leads us to conclude you can plan an overall kitchen model along with kitchen island.
You don’t have to buy new materials for the kitchen island unless you wish for different ambiance. This kitchen island can be used to entertain guests with black coffee.
Graceful Kitchen Island Trim Idea

This kitchen island isn’t that trim or narrow. Yet you can steal this kitchen island look for whichever kitchen size that you have. For a graceful tone, choose a dark shade of grey or blue for the kitchen countertop.
This image particularly presents for you whole package of kitchen island with that particular shade. Plain and minimalist, this kitchen backsplash serves more like a sink area. You can utilize the remaining space for gathering dirty dishes before washing them all.
You may hunt for smaller countertop to utilize more space.
Impressive Kitchen Island Trim Design

This kitchen island uses wooden materials that seem light and graceful. The countertop of this kitchen island deploys bright shade of brown that makes the part feeling fresh. Use this countertop for cutting fruits or spices before further cooking steps.
We especially love the white, wooden storage beneath the countertop. The storage uses a chest, a trimmed design that looks impressive and neutral. Put inside the storage biscuits, cookies or chocolates that can be eaten later on.
Large or small, this kitchen backsplash can accommodate whichever kitchen size.
White Kitchen Island Trim Sample

Our seventh recommendation resembles the fourth idea as both copies of coffee bar kitchen design. This kitchen island looks pure and milky instead of clear or fresh because of the materials that it uses.
This kitchen island deploys white marble that doesn’t shine as bright as that in the fourth idea. The kitchen island completes the design with a white pillar or stand for a stronger white themed color.
Not to forget the cute, small chairs as coffee bar iconic chairs. We consider this concept can meet various kitchen sizes.
Plain Kitchen Island Trim Idea

Choose for trimmer table when you think our idea is too big for your kitchen. The idea is sometimes you only need a plain and strong table as a kitchen island. Of course, the table needs a pillar or stand. You can either complete the table with a set of chairs or not.
That suffices for plain and homey kitchen island. Bring together whole family members for quick breakfast every morning or spend delightful afternoons by drinking hot chocolate or tea.
Clever Kitchen Island Trim Idea

We provide this sample as reference for those of you who search for minimalist and resourceful kitchen island model. You can choose for a slimmer and smaller clever kitchen island like this picture suggests.
We love this kitchen island because this allows you doing various activities. From washing dirty dishes to cutting vegetables, do those things here. Utilize drawers for keeping bills and keys out of children’s reach.
Classic Kitchen Island Trim Sample

Whether or not your kitchen practices vintage design, we recommend this kitchen island for some reasons. First, this kitchen island doesn’t look that much bulky or large. You can choose a slimmer version that you see in this picture.
Secondly, this kitchen island accommodates you doing many activities from washing dirty dishes to placing ceramics as decorations. And of course, this kitchen backsplash looks tasteful and beautiful as we often enjoy from classic interior design.